Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fast Shutdown and/or Restart From Quick Launch Buttons

This tip will enable you to create buttons in your quick launch toolbar to quickly and easily shut down and/or restart your computer.

1.Right click on your desktop, scroll to new..... shortcut
2.In the location line, for shutdown type; shutdown -s -t 0 ie: shutdown(space)-s(space)-t(space)number zero
3.Name the shortcut "Shut Down PC" or whatever u want
4.The new shortcut is now sitting on your desktop, right click on it and go to properties, then click on "change icon". Click OK, then pick a suitable icon, there is a red "off button" icon available, then click apply and ok.
5.Now drag the icon from your desktop into the quick launch toolbar, resize the toolbar so all the buttons are visible, then delete the shortcut from your desktop

To create a restart button the location line should read shutdown -r -t 0 name it restart pc and give it a suitable icon for restart

Now you can shut down or restart your pc in 1 mouse click without having to go through the startup menu.

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