::Don't use this for illegal stuff::
Telnet is used to connect to remote machines through emulation. This means that
it can connect to a server, any server instantly because of it's ability to emulate (copy)
remote computers.
Lets Start:
In Windows, Telnet can be found by going to Start -> Run and then typing telnet.
The application should then pop up. If you don't have Windows, there are many Telnet alternatives for mac, linux etc. Since I don't know any,search the internet for Telnet for Linux or Telnet for Mac and you should find something instantly.
If you have a PC and are using Windows 98/95, 2000, Me, or XP continue...
As you can see, Telnet has 4 menu options. These are Connect, Edit, Terminal, and Help.
If you click Connect, you should see more options. Here they are.
Remote System..
Names of servers you have been on.
To connect to a server, click Remote System...
This will then take you to a dialog box that has these fields:
There should also be a Connect button and a Cancel Button.
Lets go over these & what you should put in them.
The Hostname can be the address of the website your going to be connecting to:
or it can be the IP address. Keep in mind that you can only connect to servers and not to clients (other PCs)
an IP Address looks like this:
Port can bb either the port number you wanna connect to on the server (Port 80 is the Internet, Port 23 is Simple Mail Protocol then there are some more ports for different things..)
or you can keep it Telnet and see what happens.
TermType is the type of Terminal telnet will be acting like.
This doesn't matter most of the time, so you can keep it to default or try other ones if you want.
When you have all this set up, you can Click Connect & see what happens.
Note: Sometimes many servers don't like anon people just logging on, so be careful when logging onto servers, because sometimes it might be some big company that likes bullying people or just SOMEONE who likes bullying people and then they might want to find you or trace you or something and I know for a fact you don't need that happening.
Another Note: When you go to a server and type something, such as a login name or a password, you might not see anything even though you are typing. this is a feature that telnet or the other server uses. It's for some kind of safety measure.
Ok that's all for the Connect Menu, lets go over the Terminal menu.
The terminal menu should have 3 options:
Start Logging
Stop Logging.
If you go to this, a dialog box will come up with various options. Here, you can change the
text color & background color of the program, and you can enable Local Echo, which shows
you everything you've typed, Blinking cursor if you want the cursor to blink check it, if not uncheck, Block cursor if you want the cursor to be shown as a block, VT100 Arrows, don't worry about these they are useless, Buffer Size, this allows you to set the number of lines of text you want to be shown before the screen starts to scroll, The Terminal emualtion type, always have this set on the default unless you know what the second one is and you know what your doing.
-Start Logging-
This logs everything you do on Telnet in a log file on your computer.
-Stop Logging-
This will stop logging processes.
Well that's it for this tutorial
Sunday, July 22, 2007
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